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RIVIERA SERIES 2 – Begins Thursday 23rd May at 9pm on Sky Atlantic

News TV

Episodes 1, 2 and 10 written by GABBIE ASHER and episodes 7 and 8 directed by DESTINY EKARAGHA.


THE SUNDAY TIMES: The story may of­ten be lu­di­crous but that hardly mat­ters in what is, es­sen­tially, a deluxe soap opera full of im­pos­si­bly skinny, beau­ti­ful peo­ple, in­te­ri­ors straight out of the pages of high-end ar­chi­tec­tural mag­a­zines and price­less di­a­logue.


Tonight’s stand­out line surely has to be, ‘Touch my gun again and you’ll be singing cas­trato.’ ★★★★★

Published: 21st May 2019