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5 star reviews for BALLO at the King’s Head Theatre


Friday night was guest night at the King’s Head Theatre in Islington for BALLO, the new adaptation of Verdi’s opera ‘A Masked Ball’. Reviews have been unanimous in declaring it a triumph of originality. Broadway World states that: ‘There are times when theatre transcends entertainment, transcends its history, transcends time and space and takes you to another place – a place where all you can do is thank the Fates that conspired to put you right here, right now. Adam Spreadbury-Maher’s Ballo (or A Masked Ball) takes you to that place….You won’t have seen anything quite like it before, and you may never see anything quite like it again.’ The British Theatre Guide calls it ‘full of invention. Strongly sung, it makes great entertainment. Once again, Opera Up Close demonstrates how effective opera can be in intimate surroundings.’

BALLO runs until May 25th.


Published: 2nd March 2015