Andrew Norriss



Bethan Evans

As well as writing for television, Andrew also writes children’s books. His first was MATT’S MILLIONS, followed by AQUILA which won the Whitbread Award for Best Children’s novel 1997. His children’s book details can be found here.

AQUILA (BBC) 1997-1998

Creator, Writer; 2 series

FLOYD (Carlton) 1997
Original pilot

5 series; Co-written with Richard Fegen.

WOOF! (Central) 1989-97
Co-written with Richard Fegen, based on Alan Ahlberg’s novel
Winner – Gold Medal – New York Television Festival

ERICA (Thames TV) 1989
2 series; Co-written with Richard Fegen

FFIZZ (Thames TV) 1987
2 series; Co-written with Richard Fegen

CHANCE IN A MILLION (Thames TV) 1984-86
3 series; Co-written with Richard Fegen
Winner – 3 Pye Awards

Call Bethan to discuss Andrew or other Writers

+44 (0)20 7467 0121